Push Together: Thrive in a Team Environment
- £15 per session (1 hour)
- Minimum of 4 players
- One or two coaches depending on attendees
What are Group Sessions?
Group sessions are an opportunity for players to come together with a common goal in having the same ambition of improving their game and developing skills further. Group sessions are dealt with in a way where we find out what the objectives and targets are for the specific group of players (a minimum of 4). We then simply analyse and create a plan of action to help build on whatever foundations are presented to us which a lot of the time is position specific work. Football is a team sport so why not be challenged and pushed to overcome in a group effort.
Why are Group Sessions important?
We believe training with the right group of individuals can be so beneficial. Implementing these types of sessions into your routine will only advance you as a player. Nothing beats healthy competition, being tested comes with the recipe of growth. Like anything we do, we aim to deliver focused sessions with nothing less than 100% input from both the coaches and players. However, having fun, making jokes and having a laugh is all part of a balanced training regime. Training hard always looks better with a smile.
What does a typical Group Session look like?
It’s all about keeping players engaged and always doing something. If you’re not the centre of attention for a specific drill, you’ll be sure enough to be contributing to the intensity and playing a part. Just like in a match. Depending on a group’s ability, the difficulty and number of drills done are all affected as some groups will need more or less time developing a skill than others. Having said that, sessions will be regimented, always beginning with a warm up and a good stretch to help prepare the body for the exercises and drills to follow. A lot of group interaction and focus is required as E.R.L believes players need to be able to be in charge of their responsibilities of what they bring to a session. Some of these things could be taking extra care with the ball to make sure delivery to fellow team mates are of good standard and quality. Another may be a good attitude in keeping team mates encouraged and doing their bit in keeping a positive environment.
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